December 30th, 2022
Healing Past Hurts & Breaking Bondages
We are complex individuals and wonderfully created.
God has created us with feelings, emotions, reasoning ability to analyze and solve problems and of course, a heart to share and receive love.
God created us in his likeness and image and as believers, we have the God’s DNA to be more and more like Christ. Of course, we are 100% human, so we have the fallen nature of Adam but through Jesus we have the salvation and freedom in Christ. BUT, with our gift of “Freewill “choice, we must choose to follow His Way, HIS direction and follow HIS Word.
If we don’t, we fail – the following information will be very helpful to you to find victory and Freedom in Christ.
We are intricately made. We have a spirit, we have a physical body, we have the mental capacity to think and reason, we have a soul that has feelings, emotions, and a need to have relationship with God and others.
If there is an injury or pain or sickness in any of these areas the whole person hurts. It is the same with sin and falling short of what God expects from HIS children. If we have issues and problems in any of the areas, we need God’s restoration and healing. We need the Healer.
The wheel of wholeness – a description of our life.
Mental Sexual
Physical O Speech
Social Emotional
Just like in a wheel if there are damages in any area, it effects the entire person. A flat, so to speak – it will affect your efforts in trying to move forward. You need to repair the problem.
Spiritual – we were created with a spirit that needs regeneration (salvation)
Emotional – We were created to have love, mercy, and compassion
Physical- We are to care for our bodies – it is the temple of God as believers
Social – We were created to be in relationship with others – not isolated. We were created to care for one another and those in need.
Speech - We were created to uplift one another in kindness and love. Out of the mouth, the heart speaks.
Relational – We were created to be in relationship with God. To be out of this relationship we will have a need that cannot be filled with worldly things.
Sexual – We have been created as sexual beings for the purpose of marriage and producing Children as written in God’s Word.
Mental – As believers, we have the mind of Christ as we grow in HIS ways.
Problems in our areas of life
When there are problems in these areas, we can look at the outcome and ask Jesus with the Power of the Holy Spirit to heal and deliver us.
God’s Nature is to always heal and restore. The ultimate healing is to be in paradise for all eternity with HIM. That is why Salvation is the best healing possible. On this side of eternity, God wants us to live life and to the full and to follow HIS way of living. In sharing HIS love and minister to others along the way.
Before we can help anyone else, we need to first receive HIS mercy, Salvation and grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
These are God’s spiritual orders to us all. With sin and our fallen nature, we must receive HIS forgiveness and healing.
What Does That Look Like
Spiritual – A solid foundation in Jesus and HIS Word. No room for any other things in our spirit.
Emotional – Being of sound mind and emotions, walking in humility and love with a servant’s heart to care for others.
Physical – we are made in the image of Christ and are to care for the body as it is the temple of the Holy Spirit for all believers. God has given us HIS peace and provided healing and restoration to our bodies, even this side of eternity.
Social – we are to care for others especially those in need and less fortunate
Speech - Scriptures tell us to guard the tongue and we should be slow to speak. Blessings and curses should not come out of the same mouth. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to guide our heart, attitudes and speech.
Relational –We are to be in fellowship and grow the body of Christ. together
Sexual – We are to honor God with our bodies and to remain celibate until marriage and to honor the vows to our spouse before God.
Mental – we are to be of sound mind and regenerate our minds as the minds of Christ as HE has directed us to be to fight off the attacks of the enemy and temptations.
What are the signs of problems in our life.
Change of behavior thru Sin or repetitive Sin –
Track Record of Predictable Sin / behavior such as substance abuse, sexual sin and other destructive behavior can also be held in place by demonic spirits and addictions that are rooted on compulsion and addictions.
The root causes usually tie into past sins, violations to the soul and emotions. Once ministry by the Holy Spirit’s leading gets to and reveals the hidden sin and violation, Repentance and forgiveness can be administered. Then the healing can start.
This is an involved process and takes time, trust, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to bring freedom. The Mercy and Grace of the Blood of Jesus can and will heal the individual.
Areas of the Wheel
Spiritual / emotional / physical / relational / social / Speech / sexual / mental
In the wheel areas, if any damage or hidden hurt exists, the areas of wounding can have severe effect on the individual.
Remember, The Thief, (Satan and his demonic realm has the intent to “Kill, Steal and Destroy: John 10:10 His attacks damage all the areas of the person.
In Dealing with Past Hurts, the Emotions are usually the “Food Source” and places to hide for the afflictions and bondages. Hurt and damaged feelings manifest in anger, rage, depression, and many other negative behaviors.
Like a predatory animal, Demonic spirits look for: “Food Sources” and the unrepetitive sin along with stuffed hurt emotions are what they search for.
Violations of “One flesh”, (In the matter of marriage), can create severe damage in relationships. Illicit sexual contacts and affairs spiritually damage as well as emotionally damage the parties. All of these injuries and become Food Sources for the affliction of spirits.
Demonic Manifestations are brough out by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Back in our time at Anaheim Vineyard, we were involved in multiple ministry conferences related to the Holy Spirit and ministry. In our pastoral staff positions we were at all these meetings in addition to supervising our Ministry teams and ministry sessions.
Dr. Peter Wagner from Fuller Seminary was a close friend and monitored our ministry. His book, “How to have a healing Ministry in your church without making your church sick.” monitored and reviewed the prayer teams.
He documented the results during that time for his published books. The monitoring of the ministry covered over a 1000 Ministry Sessions. Peter has gone on to be with Jesus and is deeply missed.
Some of the sessions are listed below for clarity and training purposes.
Examples of the bondage manifestations and the Ministry efforts –
(All persons remain nameless)
Of these 33 persons who went through various forms of deliverance, they were all released from these spirits.
They all found freedom. The Holy Spirit shinned a light on the areas and following deep repentance and releasing forgiveness with the breaking of the power of shame, forgiveness and restoration came.
The joy and freedom on their face was special. Many continued to communicate about the healing in their lives over the years that passed.
The healing and touch of God were monumental to all of them. The fact that they could all be free and hold their head’s high was a true work of God.
SPECIAL NOTE: The 33 persons were all Pastors
NOTE: This section was included for the reader to clearly see all of us are open to afflictions to attacks. Therefore, All Believers MUST pursue a Christlikeness lifestyle and remain humble before God and allowing the Holy Spirit to rule in our lives.
God’s Mercy, Forgiveness and restoration is for ALL OF US. He requires us all to give HIM the things that hold us. Freedom is the result; YOU are worth it.
Let’s Get a Better Understanding of Satan
Satan / his demonic spirits
Many people have a misconception about Satan and how he operates.
Contrary to popular belief, the enemy is NOT omnipresent, he does not know everything. Remember the devil is NOT GOD. He is finite, a created being, so the only way for him to know and obtain information about God’s people is to do research and collect data.
Therefore, he uses evil spirits to do surveillance on us to examine and gather information about us.
His structure is like a military structure of various leaders in different ranking with varying degrees of usurped authority. Although the war has been settled between heaven and hell on Calvary by The Lord Jesus sacrifice and settled the debt for all mankind, The war continues in a wrapping up stage that will be complete on The Lords 2nd return to earth. (John 14:2 to 3, Titus 2 13 to 15, Revelation:19)
We have been given the power and authority to exert that Kingdom rule as directed by the Holy Spirit in the lives of others to rescue them during the awaiting of the Lord’s final return.
With demonic spirits on the lookout for what we do and say, It is no wonder why the Lord instructs us to be vigilant on what we do, say, think, and act on. Therefore, we must always be in a humble, God seeking frame of mind and always walk in mercy and forgiveness.
Other Things to Watch For
Covenants, Ungodly Oaths, proclamations, Judgements, and other spoken Agreements have spiritual Implications.
We should understand that covenants, oaths, and ungodly agreements have spiritual consequences. There is a law of agreement in the spiritual Realm where everything operates according to authority permission (Gen 22:15 to 18)
Many people have made demonic oaths and covenants by involvements with certain organizations, secret societies and so on where the oaths and commitments are not with God. These acts open the person to the demonic realm and their activities.
Understand, where we give permission to, we give Power to as well. Such power is amplified with the incorporation of covenants and oaths.
Blood Covenants are the highest form of covenants as in witchcraft and other demonic activities.
However, We Can Win with Jesus!
The Blood of Jesus covers all sin, all wrongdoing, all behavior that is counter to God.
The Precious Blood of Jesus - It washes whiter than Snow. There is Kingdom Power in the Blood of the Lamb, shed for you.
When we receive damage or wounding to our mind, will and emotions – we need to bring these pains to the Lord and allow His blood to cover it all.
James 5:14 to 17
Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well, the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
Renew Your Mind and Body - Romans 12:1 to 2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is your spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.
Looking to Jesus - 2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.
We have discussed many things in the Kingdom of God and receiving freedom from the enemy.
Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions and if you need Ministry. We are her to help and will walk through your needs and concerns.
In His Love
Bill McReynolds December 27, 2022
Kingdom Group
The Kingdom Life Ministries Inc
We are complex individuals and wonderfully created.
God has created us with feelings, emotions, reasoning ability to analyze and solve problems and of course, a heart to share and receive love.
God created us in his likeness and image and as believers, we have the God’s DNA to be more and more like Christ. Of course, we are 100% human, so we have the fallen nature of Adam but through Jesus we have the salvation and freedom in Christ. BUT, with our gift of “Freewill “choice, we must choose to follow His Way, HIS direction and follow HIS Word.
If we don’t, we fail – the following information will be very helpful to you to find victory and Freedom in Christ.
We are intricately made. We have a spirit, we have a physical body, we have the mental capacity to think and reason, we have a soul that has feelings, emotions, and a need to have relationship with God and others.
If there is an injury or pain or sickness in any of these areas the whole person hurts. It is the same with sin and falling short of what God expects from HIS children. If we have issues and problems in any of the areas, we need God’s restoration and healing. We need the Healer.
The wheel of wholeness – a description of our life.
Mental Sexual
Physical O Speech
Social Emotional
Just like in a wheel if there are damages in any area, it effects the entire person. A flat, so to speak – it will affect your efforts in trying to move forward. You need to repair the problem.
Spiritual – we were created with a spirit that needs regeneration (salvation)
Emotional – We were created to have love, mercy, and compassion
Physical- We are to care for our bodies – it is the temple of God as believers
Social – We were created to be in relationship with others – not isolated. We were created to care for one another and those in need.
Speech - We were created to uplift one another in kindness and love. Out of the mouth, the heart speaks.
Relational – We were created to be in relationship with God. To be out of this relationship we will have a need that cannot be filled with worldly things.
Sexual – We have been created as sexual beings for the purpose of marriage and producing Children as written in God’s Word.
Mental – As believers, we have the mind of Christ as we grow in HIS ways.
Problems in our areas of life
When there are problems in these areas, we can look at the outcome and ask Jesus with the Power of the Holy Spirit to heal and deliver us.
God’s Nature is to always heal and restore. The ultimate healing is to be in paradise for all eternity with HIM. That is why Salvation is the best healing possible. On this side of eternity, God wants us to live life and to the full and to follow HIS way of living. In sharing HIS love and minister to others along the way.
Before we can help anyone else, we need to first receive HIS mercy, Salvation and grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
These are God’s spiritual orders to us all. With sin and our fallen nature, we must receive HIS forgiveness and healing.
What Does That Look Like
Spiritual – A solid foundation in Jesus and HIS Word. No room for any other things in our spirit.
Emotional – Being of sound mind and emotions, walking in humility and love with a servant’s heart to care for others.
Physical – we are made in the image of Christ and are to care for the body as it is the temple of the Holy Spirit for all believers. God has given us HIS peace and provided healing and restoration to our bodies, even this side of eternity.
Social – we are to care for others especially those in need and less fortunate
Speech - Scriptures tell us to guard the tongue and we should be slow to speak. Blessings and curses should not come out of the same mouth. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to guide our heart, attitudes and speech.
Relational –We are to be in fellowship and grow the body of Christ. together
Sexual – We are to honor God with our bodies and to remain celibate until marriage and to honor the vows to our spouse before God.
Mental – we are to be of sound mind and regenerate our minds as the minds of Christ as HE has directed us to be to fight off the attacks of the enemy and temptations.
What are the signs of problems in our life.
Change of behavior thru Sin or repetitive Sin –
Track Record of Predictable Sin / behavior such as substance abuse, sexual sin and other destructive behavior can also be held in place by demonic spirits and addictions that are rooted on compulsion and addictions.
The root causes usually tie into past sins, violations to the soul and emotions. Once ministry by the Holy Spirit’s leading gets to and reveals the hidden sin and violation, Repentance and forgiveness can be administered. Then the healing can start.
This is an involved process and takes time, trust, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to bring freedom. The Mercy and Grace of the Blood of Jesus can and will heal the individual.
Areas of the Wheel
Spiritual / emotional / physical / relational / social / Speech / sexual / mental
In the wheel areas, if any damage or hidden hurt exists, the areas of wounding can have severe effect on the individual.
Remember, The Thief, (Satan and his demonic realm has the intent to “Kill, Steal and Destroy: John 10:10 His attacks damage all the areas of the person.
In Dealing with Past Hurts, the Emotions are usually the “Food Source” and places to hide for the afflictions and bondages. Hurt and damaged feelings manifest in anger, rage, depression, and many other negative behaviors.
Like a predatory animal, Demonic spirits look for: “Food Sources” and the unrepetitive sin along with stuffed hurt emotions are what they search for.
Violations of “One flesh”, (In the matter of marriage), can create severe damage in relationships. Illicit sexual contacts and affairs spiritually damage as well as emotionally damage the parties. All of these injuries and become Food Sources for the affliction of spirits.
Demonic Manifestations are brough out by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Back in our time at Anaheim Vineyard, we were involved in multiple ministry conferences related to the Holy Spirit and ministry. In our pastoral staff positions we were at all these meetings in addition to supervising our Ministry teams and ministry sessions.
Dr. Peter Wagner from Fuller Seminary was a close friend and monitored our ministry. His book, “How to have a healing Ministry in your church without making your church sick.” monitored and reviewed the prayer teams.
He documented the results during that time for his published books. The monitoring of the ministry covered over a 1000 Ministry Sessions. Peter has gone on to be with Jesus and is deeply missed.
Some of the sessions are listed below for clarity and training purposes.
Examples of the bondage manifestations and the Ministry efforts –
(All persons remain nameless)
- Betty (not her name) She was a new believer about 6 months, and no religious / spiritual background or knowledge. Her history was one of over 20 years as a “Biker Chick” in the Hells Angels. – she had been seriously molested and abused during all the years and was seen as everybody’s property in the group. She had no personal sense of value and was treated as an object. The pain and abuse were so severe her personality had fragmented into multiple personalities.
- Ministry – the healing process took several months of prayer teams meeting once a week and her attending a small group to build relationship. She went through many sessions of deliverance and received unconditional love in her life. After about 6 months the change was amazing. She had value, purpose, experienced God’s love, and restoration. She became a whole person again and free.
- Satanic Witch – Mary (not her name) came to Wendy and I through a home fellowship leader. Mary was in her 30’s and have pledged her life to Satan. She had been involved in several ritualistic practices and severally abused. She had a friend bring her to church and we began ministering. She pleaded for help and said the demons were going to kill her or make her commit suicide.
- Ministry - The first encounter lasted over 3 hours with assistance from others on our staff. Her manifestations were of several other voices and extreme strength that was not human. She at one point lifted her entire body off the ground about 3 feet with 5 of us in the room observing this. At the command of “in Jesus Name Stop and release her” she was thrown back about 4 feet to a sofa in the room. No one was hurt. She went through multiple deliverance like in layers of demonic control. After several sessions, Mary was free and started to grow and develop as a follower of Jesus. Her countenance and mannerisms along with her goals in life emerged. She received healing and restoration. The blood of Jesus set her free and she was free indeed
- The Woman from another Country – Sara (not her name) This woman came from another country to attend a conference and was seeking help for extreme torment. She had voices in her head tormenting her and she was unable to worship God. She said she has been a Christian for a few years and the spirits were trying to harm her if she tried to get free. During the first worship session she had a major manifestation of growling and cursing out loud.
- Ministry – We began ministering to the woman and we had to use an interpreter to understand her statements and to command the spirits to release her. She had been seriously molested fro several years and the spirits were attached to unforgiveness and hated for the abuser. She showed extreme strength and at one point turned over a desk in our office. By speaking to and commanding the spirits to release her in Jesus name, along with her going through repentance for harboring sin and issues, we began to see freedom. In this situation we had I believe 4 ministry sessions until she had full freedom and release. She went home a free woman with joy and peace in her life. It was a wonderful encounter to see the Holy Spirit set her free.
- The Group of 33 over several ministry conferences we had a special group of people we ministered to. Over this period of time, we had 33 documented cases that we all followed where demonic spirits manifested, and we went into private ministry settings.
- Ministry - In all these matters there were bondages and hidden sin, shame and other secret behaviors that were controlling these 33 persons.
Of these 33 persons who went through various forms of deliverance, they were all released from these spirits.
They all found freedom. The Holy Spirit shinned a light on the areas and following deep repentance and releasing forgiveness with the breaking of the power of shame, forgiveness and restoration came.
The joy and freedom on their face was special. Many continued to communicate about the healing in their lives over the years that passed.
The healing and touch of God were monumental to all of them. The fact that they could all be free and hold their head’s high was a true work of God.
SPECIAL NOTE: The 33 persons were all Pastors
NOTE: This section was included for the reader to clearly see all of us are open to afflictions to attacks. Therefore, All Believers MUST pursue a Christlikeness lifestyle and remain humble before God and allowing the Holy Spirit to rule in our lives.
God’s Mercy, Forgiveness and restoration is for ALL OF US. He requires us all to give HIM the things that hold us. Freedom is the result; YOU are worth it.
Let’s Get a Better Understanding of Satan
Satan / his demonic spirits
Many people have a misconception about Satan and how he operates.
Contrary to popular belief, the enemy is NOT omnipresent, he does not know everything. Remember the devil is NOT GOD. He is finite, a created being, so the only way for him to know and obtain information about God’s people is to do research and collect data.
Therefore, he uses evil spirits to do surveillance on us to examine and gather information about us.
His structure is like a military structure of various leaders in different ranking with varying degrees of usurped authority. Although the war has been settled between heaven and hell on Calvary by The Lord Jesus sacrifice and settled the debt for all mankind, The war continues in a wrapping up stage that will be complete on The Lords 2nd return to earth. (John 14:2 to 3, Titus 2 13 to 15, Revelation:19)
We have been given the power and authority to exert that Kingdom rule as directed by the Holy Spirit in the lives of others to rescue them during the awaiting of the Lord’s final return.
With demonic spirits on the lookout for what we do and say, It is no wonder why the Lord instructs us to be vigilant on what we do, say, think, and act on. Therefore, we must always be in a humble, God seeking frame of mind and always walk in mercy and forgiveness.
Other Things to Watch For
Covenants, Ungodly Oaths, proclamations, Judgements, and other spoken Agreements have spiritual Implications.
We should understand that covenants, oaths, and ungodly agreements have spiritual consequences. There is a law of agreement in the spiritual Realm where everything operates according to authority permission (Gen 22:15 to 18)
Many people have made demonic oaths and covenants by involvements with certain organizations, secret societies and so on where the oaths and commitments are not with God. These acts open the person to the demonic realm and their activities.
Understand, where we give permission to, we give Power to as well. Such power is amplified with the incorporation of covenants and oaths.
Blood Covenants are the highest form of covenants as in witchcraft and other demonic activities.
However, We Can Win with Jesus!
The Blood of Jesus covers all sin, all wrongdoing, all behavior that is counter to God.
The Precious Blood of Jesus - It washes whiter than Snow. There is Kingdom Power in the Blood of the Lamb, shed for you.
When we receive damage or wounding to our mind, will and emotions – we need to bring these pains to the Lord and allow His blood to cover it all.
James 5:14 to 17
Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well, the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
Renew Your Mind and Body - Romans 12:1 to 2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is your spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.
Looking to Jesus - 2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.
We have discussed many things in the Kingdom of God and receiving freedom from the enemy.
Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions and if you need Ministry. We are her to help and will walk through your needs and concerns.
In His Love
Bill McReynolds December 27, 2022
Kingdom Group
The Kingdom Life Ministries Inc
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