What Is A Kingdom Group?


It is ordinary people coming together and meeting the needs of others through the power and gifting of the Holy Spirit. It is the Ministry of Jesus in everyday life. Would you be a part?

We meet together in a local home, worship together and share in God's presence and word. We minister and pray for all the needs and enjoy fellowship with all there.

How does this all work? We welcome all ages in our group, just as family has young and old together. We grow from the experience and insight from one another.

There is no registration requirement to attend, no fees, just God's mercy and love which is freely given to all. All you need to do is just show up and expect to be blessed.

If you desire for God to meet your need - regardless of what it may be - come and see - you will be blessed!

The Scriptures tell us - Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever! He still heals, restores, and brings salvation.

Those who come partake of God's Kingdom Ministry moving in our midst! Come all who are thirsty and drink of the Lord's presence that satisfies the soul. This is the Ministry of Jesus moving today in our lives.

The Kingdom Group provides a place to learn how to love one another in a way that exemplifies the New Testament lifestyle.

A loving community is a powerful tool and a witness to the world. The book of Acts gives us a glimpse of the effectiveness in loving one another expressed by the church.

This unity and love for one another was a sign of wonder to unbelievers. It was as powerful then as the healing of crooked legs or other miracles. This all still happens today!

The kingdom group integrates people into the Christian community and the larger community of the local church. This is the training ground for following Jesus and HIS commandments.

We focus on Informal bible teaching using real life situations, it helps to train the group and allows persons to grow in the love, faith and service to the Lord.

This provides a defined pathway for Newcomers to follow towards Discipleship. Becoming more like Jesus. It also provides the training and raising up of new future leaders for the Lord.
God 's Kingdom values are developed and can become a new lifestyle and approach to life.

The Kingdom Group also focuses on outreach ministry to the community in order to serve others. We are commissioned to "Give away to others- the very things we receive" in doing the Ministry of Jesus.

If you are not currently in a group like this - join one - if you don't have one near you- we will work with you to start one.

Write us and let us know what you think.

IF you have any pressing needs, or need prayer - let us know. We would be honored to keep your requests before the Lord.

With love and blessings,
Bill & Wendy McReynolds

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