December 26th, 2022
Understanding the Plan of the Enemy.
“Freedom from Demonic Oppression”
How does this happen? Do we allow these things? if so, how do we close off the access points or inroads to our lives?
Author Kynan Bridges, in his book – “Overcoming Familiar Spirits” – writes;
“We do not have any spiritual authority outside of Jesus. We must experience a level of pressing into and see the revelation that brings us to a place of conviction. Without Christ, we can do nothing. Without the transference from the almighty living God, we can have no real sustainable power. IN FACT, if we operate in any supernatural power that does NOT align with the Word of God, that power is illegal, illegitimate and can bring people under submission to the influence of demonic spirits. Contrary to what many believers think, sitting in a pew in church is NOT a qualification for receiving God’s power. There are many believers who have attended church for years but DO NOT exercise God’s Power – They haven’t experienced His power in their lives or seen it demonstrated in their families’ lives. It is first necessary that we receive from God in order that we may operate His authority from Heaven here on earth.”
John15:4 to 8
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself, it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine, if a man remains in me, and I in Him, he will bear fruit; apart from me YOU CAN DO NOTHING. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a brance that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up and thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father’s Glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourself to be my disciples.
This passage shows us that we MUST constantly be pursuing Jesus and His nature. IT IS A MUST to do HIS Kingdom Work.
The Pursuit is to follow the “Heart of Jesus”
This does not have to do with our attaining “Head Knowledge” about Him. Rather, it is a conscious revelation of God’s Power flowing to us, then through us because the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Lives devoted to the King of Kings. Hearts tender to His every word.
We must acknowledge the Spirit of God because He lives within us. We have the capability of supernatural power with the conviction of Christ in our hearts.
How to Operate in Power and Authority
Colossians 1:27 to 28
To them God, has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory. We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.
It is necessary for us to understand that demonic spirits Cannot inhabit environments, where God’s presence and Spirit are continuously housed.
Great men of God in the book of Acts had to continuously walk in spiritual victory and repentance to see Kingdom Results. It would have been difficult for them to have seen the sustained move of God if they had not continuously yielded to His Power and His way of doing things. HE STILL REQUIRES THIS!
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
As born-again believers, we need to be connected to the Kingdom of God through the word of God which is the manual for how we operate in the Kingdom Authority.
What are the Plans Satan has for us and all humanity?
Jesus tells us that Satan (He calls the thief) is to
To Steal (your lives, your love, your choices, your very salvation)
To Kill (he desires to stomp out all life in all forms, baby’s, youth and adults)
And Destroy (anything of good, anything of Joy, hope and Peace, including you)
In John 10:10
Jesus tells us the He has come that they may have life and life to the full.
We function in Christ’s Power, not our own, nor the demonic sources of power.
You must Receive Christ to operate in His power.
How do these demonic powers happen – how does the enemy operate?
“The Prowling Lion is Hungry and Looking for YOU
1 Peter 5:6 to 10
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, the He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your ENEMY, the devil prowls around like a roaring Lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, HE HIMSELF will restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.
1 Corinthians 4:20
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of Power
We must stay continually obedient to God under His protection to have authority over demonic spirits. Both to prevent them from entering our lives and for protection and authority over their efforts.
The analogy of a power tool helps here, Tools and appliances are a benefit to use, but unless it is plugged into the power source – IT will not work.
Stay plugged into Jesus.
The battlefield between God and the Devil is found in the Mind of the Christian – Renewing of the Mind
Philippians 4:6 to 9 / Romans 16:17 to 18 / Matt 5:23 to 24
Our lord teaches us that an offense can impede our worship and sacrifice. Demons also aware of these things. Because of this factor, familiar or demonic spirits seek ways to set stumbling blocks to entrap Christian believers.
An offended Christian is a bound Christian.
When we remain offended by someone or something, it can lead to unforgiveness, bitterness, mental turmoil, spiritual weakness, and physical infirmity. This condition can block the move of God and His Holy Spirit in your life.
Repentance and seeking the Holy Spirit’s healing and direction is the priority.
When we think of a person being “Demonized”, we picture someone rolling on the ground or barking like a dog. There are much more insidious but common manifestations of demonic influence in a person’s life.
Diminished spiritual vison
An inability to hear God’s voice
Continual cycles of sin and defeat
A persistent feeling of torment
Hearing thoughts in your mind that are counter to God’s love for you.
These are just some of the many typical signs of a person dealing with the influence of a demonic spirit or bondage affecting their life.
The key to experiencing freedom is to release the offense, no matter how justified it may seem.
Here is list of the most common root causes in a believer.
Unforgiveness - Hurt - Anger- Rage - Past violations and wounding to the soul
Two of the enemy’s top attacks in our lives 2 Tim 1:7
To Doubt God – “Did God really say that? who are you to believe that?”
And Fear – The enemy is quick to cause fear and we are quick to believe that –
The enemy uses fear and a way to isolate and inhabit the believer.
Romans 8:15 to 16 BUT JESUS TOLD US – “FEAR NOT” Lets trust Jesus!
Every area where a demonic bondage exists, it attached to and held by a lie
Either a lie they believe about God, Themselves, or others.
These lies blind the believer to see and hardens their heart to His mercy
and His forgiveness.
This causes the person to deviate from Gods plan for their life.
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE AREAS that leads to Bondage.
Evil Communications and Speech
The influence of our communications, especially the words we speak. This is so significant that we need to look at the Power of the Spoken Word.
Gossip is one of the many access points through which we can experience spiritual contamination by the words we speak and the words we entertain.
Conversation can edify but it can also defile.
Conversations can be dangerous; the spoken words can plant a seed that will later produce a harvest.
We must be vigilant to guard our ears, our hearts, and minds against spiritual contamination.
The Power of the Tongue
Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Matt 15:18 to 20
But the things that come out of the mouth, come from the heart, and these make a man unclean. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality. Theft, false testimony, slander. These are what makes a man unclean but eating with unwashed hands do not make him unclean.
Psalms 34:12 to 15
Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry.
Major activities that are access points and Inroad to your spirit
Entertaining Witches and the Occult activities
Another portal through these evil demonic bondages can access and attach to your being. Witchcraft and its practices are specifically prohibited by God. Ex 22:18, Gen 3:13,
1 Sam 25:23 Here are some very common things people participate in.
God’s Word say NO – DO NOT partake of any of these for they are an offense before Him.
Divination Ancestorial worship Santeria Juju
Obia Black Magic White magic Voodoo
Horoscopes Crystals Psychics Mediums Energy healing
Reiki Yoga New Age Practices Chanting
Praying to / or communication with the dead spirit guides
The power of positive thinking / Law of attraction
Charms spells of enchantments Demonic films or artifacts
Reading tea leaves
While this is not an exhaustive list it can provide you things to prohibit in your life. These are open doors, in-roads, access point for the demonic to have a “legal” right to invade your life. Stay away from any practice or guidance that DOES NOT point your way to Jesus. Jesus IS THE ONLY access to the supernatural by His Holy Spirit.
As A Believer and Follower Of Jesus
Associations you fellowship with matters. Be aware of persons with these bondages. They can and most likely will, affect you as you try to minister to them.
Remember, God has given everyone a “free Will” choice. If the person IS NOT WILLING TO GIVE ALL OF THE THINGS TO GOD – You cannot help them.
Do not be tricked into a thinking that you must get this person healed. God is the savior, NOT YOU. If they will not repent and follow the Holy Spirit, you need to give them to the Lord and pray for their salvation and healing. Let God do His work.
Another Thought on This
If you regularly commune with negative people, you may often find yourself harboring negative thoughts and attitudes. When you fellowship with immoral people, you may begin to be tempted by immoral thoughts of feel a pull toward immoral behavior. The old saying “Birds of a feather, flock together”
We all must be aware of who we fellowship with and who we marry. It matters. Galatians 3:13
Receiving Freedom
We must be vigilant about the “legal trespassing” claims in the spiritual realm that are perpetuated by spirits of darkness. These “squatters” move in and take up residence in the persons life. This influences the person and affects their lives and keeps them in bondage.
It takes full repentance by those bound to recant, confess the sin, and allow the Lord Jesus to heal and cover the person with His Blood.
By confession of the person – The Holy Spirit will break the hold and bondage and bring freedom.
Here is a guideline to pray through with the individual.
Holy Father in heaven, as your created beings our very life is breathed into us from you. There is nothing hidden from your sight. We come bare before you in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. All power over darkness and sin, you have given me through Christ Jesus. You have granted me the ability to confront, apprehend, and arrest demonic powers.
Under your authority and in the Name of Jesus, I take all authority over all areas of darkness and all demonic bondages now in this believer’s life. I Speak the Kingdom of God’s rule and reign in every area of their life.
Jesus is my savior. I plead His blood cover me and all the areas in my life where I have given the enemy a foothold and all areas of my life, I ask that blood of Jesus cover me and fill me completely.
I command in Jesus Name for all demonic powers to leave this person and not to return. I yield my life to you Lord Jesus and as you to fill me with your Holy Spirit and goodness. In all areas of my life I ask you rule and reign. I ask to be continually connected to you.
I submit to the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through me so that I can walk in victory in my own life. Help me build the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven: bringing healing, deliverance, and your transforming love to everyone I meet, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
We have covered a lot of information and there are many facets to The Holy Spirit’s ministry to a believer.
Wendy and I welcome your thoughts, needs and comments. If you have needs in these areas, we would be glad to speak with you and assist as we can to help you.
We pray God’s loving Blessings and His healing Mercy cover you.
In His Love,
Bill McReynolds December 25, 2022
Kingdom Group
The Kingdom Life Ministries Inc.
“Freedom from Demonic Oppression”
How does this happen? Do we allow these things? if so, how do we close off the access points or inroads to our lives?
Author Kynan Bridges, in his book – “Overcoming Familiar Spirits” – writes;
“We do not have any spiritual authority outside of Jesus. We must experience a level of pressing into and see the revelation that brings us to a place of conviction. Without Christ, we can do nothing. Without the transference from the almighty living God, we can have no real sustainable power. IN FACT, if we operate in any supernatural power that does NOT align with the Word of God, that power is illegal, illegitimate and can bring people under submission to the influence of demonic spirits. Contrary to what many believers think, sitting in a pew in church is NOT a qualification for receiving God’s power. There are many believers who have attended church for years but DO NOT exercise God’s Power – They haven’t experienced His power in their lives or seen it demonstrated in their families’ lives. It is first necessary that we receive from God in order that we may operate His authority from Heaven here on earth.”
John15:4 to 8
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself, it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine, if a man remains in me, and I in Him, he will bear fruit; apart from me YOU CAN DO NOTHING. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a brance that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up and thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father’s Glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourself to be my disciples.
This passage shows us that we MUST constantly be pursuing Jesus and His nature. IT IS A MUST to do HIS Kingdom Work.
The Pursuit is to follow the “Heart of Jesus”
This does not have to do with our attaining “Head Knowledge” about Him. Rather, it is a conscious revelation of God’s Power flowing to us, then through us because the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Lives devoted to the King of Kings. Hearts tender to His every word.
We must acknowledge the Spirit of God because He lives within us. We have the capability of supernatural power with the conviction of Christ in our hearts.
How to Operate in Power and Authority
Colossians 1:27 to 28
To them God, has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory. We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.
It is necessary for us to understand that demonic spirits Cannot inhabit environments, where God’s presence and Spirit are continuously housed.
Great men of God in the book of Acts had to continuously walk in spiritual victory and repentance to see Kingdom Results. It would have been difficult for them to have seen the sustained move of God if they had not continuously yielded to His Power and His way of doing things. HE STILL REQUIRES THIS!
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
As born-again believers, we need to be connected to the Kingdom of God through the word of God which is the manual for how we operate in the Kingdom Authority.
What are the Plans Satan has for us and all humanity?
Jesus tells us that Satan (He calls the thief) is to
To Steal (your lives, your love, your choices, your very salvation)
To Kill (he desires to stomp out all life in all forms, baby’s, youth and adults)
And Destroy (anything of good, anything of Joy, hope and Peace, including you)
In John 10:10
Jesus tells us the He has come that they may have life and life to the full.
We function in Christ’s Power, not our own, nor the demonic sources of power.
You must Receive Christ to operate in His power.
How do these demonic powers happen – how does the enemy operate?
“The Prowling Lion is Hungry and Looking for YOU
1 Peter 5:6 to 10
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, the He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your ENEMY, the devil prowls around like a roaring Lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, HE HIMSELF will restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.
1 Corinthians 4:20
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of Power
We must stay continually obedient to God under His protection to have authority over demonic spirits. Both to prevent them from entering our lives and for protection and authority over their efforts.
The analogy of a power tool helps here, Tools and appliances are a benefit to use, but unless it is plugged into the power source – IT will not work.
Stay plugged into Jesus.
The battlefield between God and the Devil is found in the Mind of the Christian – Renewing of the Mind
Philippians 4:6 to 9 / Romans 16:17 to 18 / Matt 5:23 to 24
Our lord teaches us that an offense can impede our worship and sacrifice. Demons also aware of these things. Because of this factor, familiar or demonic spirits seek ways to set stumbling blocks to entrap Christian believers.
An offended Christian is a bound Christian.
When we remain offended by someone or something, it can lead to unforgiveness, bitterness, mental turmoil, spiritual weakness, and physical infirmity. This condition can block the move of God and His Holy Spirit in your life.
Repentance and seeking the Holy Spirit’s healing and direction is the priority.
When we think of a person being “Demonized”, we picture someone rolling on the ground or barking like a dog. There are much more insidious but common manifestations of demonic influence in a person’s life.
Diminished spiritual vison
An inability to hear God’s voice
Continual cycles of sin and defeat
A persistent feeling of torment
Hearing thoughts in your mind that are counter to God’s love for you.
These are just some of the many typical signs of a person dealing with the influence of a demonic spirit or bondage affecting their life.
The key to experiencing freedom is to release the offense, no matter how justified it may seem.
Here is list of the most common root causes in a believer.
Unforgiveness - Hurt - Anger- Rage - Past violations and wounding to the soul
Two of the enemy’s top attacks in our lives 2 Tim 1:7
To Doubt God – “Did God really say that? who are you to believe that?”
And Fear – The enemy is quick to cause fear and we are quick to believe that –
The enemy uses fear and a way to isolate and inhabit the believer.
Romans 8:15 to 16 BUT JESUS TOLD US – “FEAR NOT” Lets trust Jesus!
Every area where a demonic bondage exists, it attached to and held by a lie
Either a lie they believe about God, Themselves, or others.
These lies blind the believer to see and hardens their heart to His mercy
and His forgiveness.
This causes the person to deviate from Gods plan for their life.
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE AREAS that leads to Bondage.
Evil Communications and Speech
The influence of our communications, especially the words we speak. This is so significant that we need to look at the Power of the Spoken Word.
Gossip is one of the many access points through which we can experience spiritual contamination by the words we speak and the words we entertain.
Conversation can edify but it can also defile.
Conversations can be dangerous; the spoken words can plant a seed that will later produce a harvest.
We must be vigilant to guard our ears, our hearts, and minds against spiritual contamination.
The Power of the Tongue
Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Matt 15:18 to 20
But the things that come out of the mouth, come from the heart, and these make a man unclean. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality. Theft, false testimony, slander. These are what makes a man unclean but eating with unwashed hands do not make him unclean.
Psalms 34:12 to 15
Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry.
Major activities that are access points and Inroad to your spirit
Entertaining Witches and the Occult activities
Another portal through these evil demonic bondages can access and attach to your being. Witchcraft and its practices are specifically prohibited by God. Ex 22:18, Gen 3:13,
1 Sam 25:23 Here are some very common things people participate in.
God’s Word say NO – DO NOT partake of any of these for they are an offense before Him.
Divination Ancestorial worship Santeria Juju
Obia Black Magic White magic Voodoo
Horoscopes Crystals Psychics Mediums Energy healing
Reiki Yoga New Age Practices Chanting
Praying to / or communication with the dead spirit guides
The power of positive thinking / Law of attraction
Charms spells of enchantments Demonic films or artifacts
Reading tea leaves
While this is not an exhaustive list it can provide you things to prohibit in your life. These are open doors, in-roads, access point for the demonic to have a “legal” right to invade your life. Stay away from any practice or guidance that DOES NOT point your way to Jesus. Jesus IS THE ONLY access to the supernatural by His Holy Spirit.
As A Believer and Follower Of Jesus
Associations you fellowship with matters. Be aware of persons with these bondages. They can and most likely will, affect you as you try to minister to them.
Remember, God has given everyone a “free Will” choice. If the person IS NOT WILLING TO GIVE ALL OF THE THINGS TO GOD – You cannot help them.
Do not be tricked into a thinking that you must get this person healed. God is the savior, NOT YOU. If they will not repent and follow the Holy Spirit, you need to give them to the Lord and pray for their salvation and healing. Let God do His work.
Another Thought on This
If you regularly commune with negative people, you may often find yourself harboring negative thoughts and attitudes. When you fellowship with immoral people, you may begin to be tempted by immoral thoughts of feel a pull toward immoral behavior. The old saying “Birds of a feather, flock together”
We all must be aware of who we fellowship with and who we marry. It matters. Galatians 3:13
Receiving Freedom
We must be vigilant about the “legal trespassing” claims in the spiritual realm that are perpetuated by spirits of darkness. These “squatters” move in and take up residence in the persons life. This influences the person and affects their lives and keeps them in bondage.
It takes full repentance by those bound to recant, confess the sin, and allow the Lord Jesus to heal and cover the person with His Blood.
By confession of the person – The Holy Spirit will break the hold and bondage and bring freedom.
Here is a guideline to pray through with the individual.
Holy Father in heaven, as your created beings our very life is breathed into us from you. There is nothing hidden from your sight. We come bare before you in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. All power over darkness and sin, you have given me through Christ Jesus. You have granted me the ability to confront, apprehend, and arrest demonic powers.
Under your authority and in the Name of Jesus, I take all authority over all areas of darkness and all demonic bondages now in this believer’s life. I Speak the Kingdom of God’s rule and reign in every area of their life.
Jesus is my savior. I plead His blood cover me and all the areas in my life where I have given the enemy a foothold and all areas of my life, I ask that blood of Jesus cover me and fill me completely.
I command in Jesus Name for all demonic powers to leave this person and not to return. I yield my life to you Lord Jesus and as you to fill me with your Holy Spirit and goodness. In all areas of my life I ask you rule and reign. I ask to be continually connected to you.
I submit to the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through me so that I can walk in victory in my own life. Help me build the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven: bringing healing, deliverance, and your transforming love to everyone I meet, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
We have covered a lot of information and there are many facets to The Holy Spirit’s ministry to a believer.
Wendy and I welcome your thoughts, needs and comments. If you have needs in these areas, we would be glad to speak with you and assist as we can to help you.
We pray God’s loving Blessings and His healing Mercy cover you.
In His Love,
Bill McReynolds December 25, 2022
Kingdom Group
The Kingdom Life Ministries Inc.
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