Our Story

How It Began.

It started in the church!

Being raised in the traditional church I learned about Jesus at an early age. I was growing up and trying to understand life, I found myself searching. At the age of 7, I lost my dad and life as I knew it stopped. I seemed to wonder, where is my father, where is he when I need him. I felt alone. At 9 years old sitting in church, I knew in my heart, Jesus was calling me. I knew somehow, he knew my name and wanted to fill my heart. I can recall it as it was yesterday. The old church was singing “Just as I am –

I found Jesus (Actually, He found me)!
I received Jesus and I knew He was my savior. I was baptized and I felt different. There was a warmth and love in my heart that was not there before.
Growing through the years with meeting the love of my life Wendy and raising our children became the focus of life.  As a Law enforcement officer my profession was going well until one Christmas Eve my career was ended by a wrong way drunk driver on duty. What proceeded forward was a retirement from my Law Enforcement Career.  I ended up having numerous surgeries.  I was left with difficulty walking and trying to function normally. Hindered with disabilities and extreme loss of movement and financial problems with our home and lifestyle, I became thoroughly depressed.  I had every insurance policy needed for my job and my family, but everything was at a standstill due to red tape.
Major Challenges in life
Life was going downhill and downhill fast, I found myself questioning everything and slipping into feeling Abandoned by God.
I had gone to church, I had tithed, I served on the Elders Board, taught Sunday School and the Junior High group of 4 kids and 2 were mine.
Where was God, didn’t he see what I have done?  Didn’t he care?what was He doing anyway – are you there God?
There was no need to ask for prayer because our church didn’t do those things
What about life this side of heaven? Didn’t God care?
Then came that special night
Things had gone just about as bad as they could. I had reached the point I just wanted to die. I just wanted to go to heaven and be done with the pain.
It was 200am and all the good tv shows were off. I was at my lowest and turned the channel to see a TV Preacher praying for people. They were in a line, and he would yell at them, hit them on the head. They would fall down and be healed.
I had no understanding for this – no model for this. Is this real I asked myself???
Then something of a boldness came over me – maybe it was just my frustration with my life, but I found myself saying Where are you God?
I felt this strength on me and knew, it was a “now or never” point in my life.
I yelled out at the TV, God if you are real, I want that in my life or just take me home.
I felt an immediate power come over me. I felt a power like an invisible bolt of lightning hit me. It was so overwhelming it literally knocked me to the floor.
I didn’t know whether to cry out, or repent, or what to do.

Healing came to me!
I recall it was like yesterday – I gathered my thoughts, started to get up and realized the pain and paralysis I had in my right leg and my back were gone.
I could not understand how that could have happened
I jumped up and moved around like I had years ago.
I ran upstairs where the kids were all in bed with my wife. I yelled at her to look at me. I started to do jumping jacks by the side of the bed
My wife woke to say what are you doing, have you gone crazy? Well maybe, but look at me – look at what I can do – 
What I realized that moment was God is real. He knew my name and he loved me. He healed me.

 Since God healed me Now, I can go back to my old life, Right?
I went back to the agency to get my job back and was told that I had the range of motion back and everything appeared completely normal. I still had the scars on my back and body,  I had the surgeries and that disqualified me to go back.
I left the doctors and was extremely confused 
I said out loud to my wife, why in the world did God heal me if I could not do what I wanted to do in my life. It was a while before I could understand God. had other plans ahead for me.
Changes come, but not the way I thought.
Our family was completely changed by the events in my life – We knew God was real unlike never before.
You just know that you know that you know in your knower.
Our minds and priorities went through a tremendous change and a hunger for God grew.
 We knew we needed to find those people out there in life that understood this and wanted the same thing.

Our Local Church
I felt lost in the church denomination, I could no longer rationalize our beliefs with them. We knew in our “knower” there was more, so much more. We were not being fed and there was a lot more to the Holy Spirit then we were being told.
For a while we stayed, and we continued to teach the Junior High. We started praying for the kids and they took it home where ministry broke out in a portion of the church.
In a church that had an attendance of 100 to 110 total, The Junior High went from 4 to 22. It was crazy, God was touching these kids through what we had experienced.
We thought this was wonderful! God was here to help his people! However, the other portion of the church did not see it that way. Their response, it was the devil not God. We were grieved in the heart terribly.
The Infamous Elder’s Meeting
The Elders Meeting, I was uninvited to attend. I knew it was about us and our teaching and behavior. They did not understand what we were doing, in a way we did not know either, but we knew in our hearts it was the Lord.
I wrote my best dissertation on healing at that time (before any training of seminary classes) It was from the heart but not received well at all.
We were given the decision that we needed to find another place to attend church.
It hurt but we knew we had to find those who really understood our beliefs.

We needed to find a church home that God had for us.
We found those like us that Loved the Lord
Our journey led us to the Vineyard Anaheim in Southern California
We found a home, a place to heal a place to grow in Gods kingdom
Over the years we were involved and attended all the services.
We went through the leadership training, started home groups, ministered in other areas and states. We found God wanted to heal and restore lives and we were so excited to be involved.

We Studied in the Pastoral Classes and attended Seminary Training. 
We began teaching the seminar students and classes and accepted positions on the Pastoral Staff with Sam Thompson and John Wimber.
We were mentored in his ministry and led ministry teams to other parts of the country and other nations.

It was the most exciting time in our lives and family.
We developed a deep love for God the Father, The Holy Spirit, and The Ministry of Jesus. It became our life focus. God’s calling on us was clearly revealed.
Leading ministry trips to other nations and here in the US was nothing short of seeing miracles daily and actually being part of what God was doing
It was clearly a Gift from God, and we were so honored to be an active part of it all.

Over the years we assisted in helping other churches to develop ministry to the body.
We assisted with new church plants all over and worked to develop leaders in the Kingdom of God and growth in the people.

The last Church Plant
We suffered a severe hurt in that specific church plant that tore our family apart. We found that the Co-Pastors we were part of deceptive behavior and had hidden evil behavior that was also criminal.
The breach of trust devastated us.
we made the decision to leave the plant and had no more involvement with the parties involved. It ultimately closed and the parties were prosecuted. We lost so many dear friends that did not know all that had happened.
This hurt our family deeply. We felt betrayed. Our own family needed healing.

All Ministry Leaders must be open and transparent.

We learned from the process that leadership and those in ministry must be transparent and held accountable for their actions.

Our Pathway through the Desert
I knew we needed time to heal. It started what I call, my path through the desert. We left everything and everyone to refocus
Worship to the Lord, made a way.
Worship never left us, God never left us, In the dessert we learned how to heal as a family and that was our everything. Trust had to heal; trust had to rebirth.
Gods, Call to Us in The Wilderness.
We found a church where we were allowed to heal and refocus. God began to speak with more intensity and clarity.
We began to minister again. We knew God was calling us to start a new Ministry.
The Kingdom Group was born, it grew, and it prospered.
Developing a Deeper Prayer life.
In my secular work, I had long periods of time to pray, worship and talk openly to the Lord. This began a wonderful period of two-way communication. It had shown us all how we need to pray and pray continuously.
It was a great experience, but again, God had other plans for me.
A New Pathway Emerges!
It became clear God had other plans for myself and my family.
We followed God’s call and birthed the new ministry - The Kingdom Life Ministries, Inc
Our passion is to see the ministry of Jesus happen everywhere and by everyone. It is a ministry for everyone!

Come Join Us!
Bill & Wendy McReynolds


Our Vison for this New Ministry
We see a gathering of people who truly loves one-another and are driven to follow Jesus.  We will foster the environment where we all can expect the Presence of God to dwell amongst us.
We will give the Holy Spirit the complete freedom to move and minister as the Heavenly Father desires.
We will foster Spirit Filled and Led Worship to God. We will sing these worship songs as prayers from the heart.
We exist to pray for one-another, not with lofty words, but prayers driven by the Holy Spirit and the demonstration of true heavenly power from the Holy Spirit. It is these ministry efforts that produces change and restoration in the lives of others.
We seek to establish a foundation of how to forgive, how to restore, how to live and be generous in our sacrificial giving.
We will show humility in all things and show true repentance and restoration in relationships.
We will walk in mercy and grace to one another and show Christ’s love for others in all that we do.
We are committed to act and be the loving family that God wants us to be.
We will strive to seek a deeper level of hearing God’s voice and a deeper level of intimacy with God’s heart.
As we learn together and with others to come, we will dwell in the Kingdom of God and Emulate His Power and His Authority. We will use the Scriptures to turn our religious pursuits into Deeper Spiritual Understanding and become the Disciples of Jesus and follow His Leading.
We will return to our First Love, with our First Fruits which is to Worship and bow down seeking God’s face with all our hearts.
These pursuits will change our lives and in turn change others around us and in turn reach those who are desperately awaiting hope, healing, forgiveness, salvation, and restoration.
One of the great truths we have learned over the years is that Fruitfulness and seeing the Power of God at work ONLY COMES from a life of COMPLETE DEPENDANCE on GOD.
That means God will draw you to a place where you will decide – “Will I trust God”. Is God calling me to do this or that?”, “or is God speaking to me”, “or do I really trust him”?
That is Faith!  How do you spell Faith – R I S K  - 
(John Wimber)
When you make a stand to trust Him and decide to follow His leading – That is when Miracles happen!
DO YOU feel Inadequate in doing these things???
GREAT!  You are in good company !!

"Inadequacy"– can often be a real blessing – WHY – It drives us to COMPLETE DEPENDANCE ON GOD and it leads to Deeper Intimacy with Him – THAT IS RIGHT WHERE JESUS WANTS US TO BE.
We believe that if we make it our compete focus to Follow God, we can expect Him to move and speak through us. – All of US! – and through anyone and everyone who seeks Him with their Whole Heart!
As Christians, we ARE NOT consumers, we are Contributors. We don’t watch life; we engage it. We sacrifice, we encourage, we pray by laying hands on the hurting!

Interested??? – Come Join Us

The To Come.


We see the birth of several Kingdom Groups (The Home Church) throughout the area.  We see the Ministry of Jesus impacting people, families, children and all who hear His calling. He is here for you!
We pray that we can successfully raise up new Disciples, Pastors, Leaders, God Centered Husbands Spouses and Fathers, God Centered Wives Spouses and Mothers along with a New Generation of Youth that love and seek Jesus in all that they do. We see the rebirth of "the world's smallest church - The family" We see the Biblical Rule of God reemerging in our lives, our homes, our places of work and rest and most of all the Glory, Rule and Reign of the Lord Jesus, Christ in our midst!

Let's Take A Part In His Kingdom

Partner with us as we learn from Jesus and follow His teachings to see this world impacted by the power and freedom of God.