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"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."
Matthew 6:10

Kingdom LIFE

Living in the Kingdom - what does that mean?
When Jesus Christ came to earth and completed His task, He ushered in The Father's rule and reign. The Kingdom of God (which means the rule of God) was there then, is here today and will last forever. That is great news for humanity because those who choose to enter into His Kingdom (by Believing in Jesus and accepting His salvation and forgiveness of sins) are His. We are now in His Kingdom, His rule, His Reign. We become His subjects in that Kingdom. That authority is now our authority, through the Power of God's Holy Spirit. That salvation is now our salvation. His power over death, sickness, pain and destruction places all authority of heaven and earth is His Kingdom, our King and savior. He does not treat us as servants but now calls us friends. His love and restoration are here for us to live out and walk in our daily lives. We now are called to do the very same ministry of Jesus, here and now in our daily lives. We now live in the Kingdom - let's get to work for the needs of others.
We believe the most important thing one can do in The Kingdom is worship. This is where the intimacy and understanding His ways Begins. Praising His name, seeking His ways and enjoying His presence.  In this intimate worship with Him., and the Holy Spirit. we discover His will for our lives .
Jesus told us there are two commandments that sum up the entire Bible (Matt 22:37-39): To love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. and the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself.
So it's quite simple. Love others. Serve others

 God is a loving and merciful God. He is our example of love and acceptance. He calls us to love and care for those less fortunate, those who have been left by the wayside.  He puts us together and challenges us to "Love Others" not just our friends but those who are "unlovable":. We are called to walk in that love and mercy as He did. Just as the scriptures say  "By this all men  will know you are me Disciples, if you love another." (John 13:35)
Church Office - 615-282-6262 Pastors @ TKLC.Online